dcop kopete KopeteIface setAway "away message" false
Once I figured that out, I surfed around the Twitter API for my favorite scripting language wrapper, python. So after install python-twitter, I created a script that will check my Twitter status every minute and update by away message for kopete.
import twitter, os, time
while True:
api = twitter.Api()
user = ""
statuses = api.GetUserTimeline(user)
stat = [s.text for s in statuses]
stat = str(stat[0])
os.system("dcop kopete KopeteIface ...
... setAway \"" + stat + "\" false")
So just have this script load at start up and your away message will change even when you aren't there. I know this isn't the best way to code it, but it works :P
id change it to every 5 minutes to free up stress on the twitter servers. other scripts have already strayed away from the every minute update, apparently they were bringing the site to a crawl. but, nice work, gl and hf.